Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Preparation outline and checklist

Speech Topic: Discuss the Spanish language and its influence on the world. Touch on its origins, where it is spoken, and its global and economic importance.

Purpose (speech goal): To explain the influence Spanish has on the world

Introduction: Spanish is the world's 3rd most spoken language, after Chinese and English. With more than 400 million Spanish speakers in the world and growing, its global and economic importance is undeniable.

First Main Point: The Spanish language originated in Spain and was carried to the Americas and other continents through Spanish conquest.

Second Main Point: Spanish is the official language in 21 countries and the second most-common language in the United States after English.

Third Main Point: The Spanish language is extending its global and economic reach yearly

Conclusion: The Spanish language has grown from its birth in Spain to the outreaches of the world. As the world 3rd most spoken language, its global and economic power will continue to grow and influence the world we live in.

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